The Blessing Update: Week 11 & 12

Sorry we missed last week, there has been a lot that has happened over the last two weeks, none of which has been pleasant. Last time in our vlog my wife seemed to have caught a cold and the ER had told us she was fine, however the next week she started having extreme abdominal pain and we ended up having to go back to the ER and they ended up admitting her for the night, after which they made her go on bed rest for a whole week. And because I was working throughout the day and because I didn’t feel safe leaving her alone, I asked my mother-in-law if it would be alright if Kielly (my wife) could come and stay with her last week, to ensure that she was ok. It was definitely one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. The rest I will let my wife tell. We added in a blooper reel to hopefully make up for our absence last week, enjoy! Be sure to subscribe to our Youtube Channel and our Google+ Page in order to watch my wife’s belly grow week to week on our channel art.

The Blessing Update: Week 10

This week has been quite a long one between trying to juggle work and also try to help take care of my wife who has been very sick lately. In fact shortly after shooting this vlog we ended up going to the ER where they assured me that the baby is doing ok. Hopefully next week my wife will be better. Two weeks left and we will be done with the first Trimester! YAY! Be sure to check out our google+ page as well as our youtube channel to watch the tummy grow on our channel art.

The Blessing Update: Week 9

Today me and my wife went to our first Ultra Sound and all I can say is that seeing my little babies heart beating made mine completely stop! So excited for the weeks to come. Stay tuned. Be sure to subscribe to my wife’s channel on Youtube.

Baby Making!!!

Sorry it has been so long since my last post, but aside from the fact that it has been midterms week at school, which for me is more projects than tests, I have been having a bad case of writers block. Everything I have written, and yes there have been several drafts, all sounds like utter crap. So I have been spending most of my time browsing the web, looking at other posts and pictures, hoping that I would get some inspiration. Nothing. So instead I just opened a new post and started writing.

The funny thing is for the first time I decided to write a post on my phone and it actually seems to be helping, perhaps changing how I write my posts is a way for me to get inspiration. It almost feels like I am writing a long text, which is actually quite entertaining at the moment. Perhaps it is because I am in a small room with a tiny sleeping baby and only have my phone as entertainment.

A few weeks ago my wife started babysitting a two month old baby. She is the cutest most easiest baby in the world. She is always giggling and smiling, and only cries when she is absolutely unhappy, which is very rare.

I will say this though, watching her has only worsened my wife and I as far as baby blues go. We want one of our own so bad.

Back in December, we cut off all contraceptives, leaving it up to God as to when we would concieve. Other than that though we haven’t really been trying, until a few weeks ago.

Lately we have been doing a lot of research (well my wife has anyway as I hate research) about increasing our chances of getting pregnant. So far though nothing yet. The worst is when my wife will start getting strange symptoms that are generally signs of pregnancy. Then we get ourselves all worked up, take a pregnancy test and then, utter disappointment.

We will keep trying though. Hopefully one day soon we will get lucky. In the mean time be sure to check out my wife’s TTC vlog on youtube.

February – A Month for Milestones!

Have you ever looked back over the last year or even the last month and said to yourself, gosh things sure have changed. That is kind of how my February has been. So much has happened, it is hard to take it all in. Here is just a few things that have come and gone over the past month. Many of which hold a special place in my heart.  Continue reading

Spicy Cashew Chicken

So my wife and I have been trying a new method for coming up with meals in which each person in the house is responsible for two days during a week to come up with a recipe, make a grocery list for their meals, and cook on those days. It’s a fairly new concept but so far it’s working brilliantly. My wife was the first one to start this new endeavor and I must say for her first recipe it was a doozy! It’s called Spicy Cashew Chicken. I believe she found it on a popular v-log she watches on youtube. After the meal we went around the table and asked everyone to rate it on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the best thing in the world. My wife and I called it a 10 and my sister and dad gave it a 7 or an 8 which is still extremely impressive for their standards because they are generally very picky eaters. Ok so my sister still didn’t like the rice. So we said we would try asian noodles next time and people could pick between that or rice. The only thing about it I wish I could change would be trying to make it a little bit spicier. But because it got such high ratings I thought I would share it with you guys. Continue reading

Take Time or Make Time

I think one of the hardest things I have had to deal with since my father’s stroke, was simple being able to share my time. So you understand, when I met my wife, we spent all our time together or with her family simply because my family is a lot farther away. It’s not to say I’m not close with my family, we just have had long distance relationships for a long time.

The only family member I have always been extremely close with was my younger sister. I don’t know if it was just because I have always found it a necessity to protect her or if it’s because we have so much in common. Even with her, after I left for college our relationship became distant unless I was home for the holidays or just visiting. We rarely spoke on the phone.

Needless to say, when she came to live with us, after going through many of the same hardships I have had to face over the last few months, that brotherly instinct must have kicked back in.

It wasn’t that it was wrong to have that emotional connect with my sister. The problem was when I started to allow it to consume me, so much so that it began to affect my marriage. I wanted to spend a big portion of my time consoling my sister, helping her do her homework, find activities to do with her to help her feel more at home in a strange place.

I don’t know how I missed all the struggles my wife was going through, by giving up so much of our life simply to take care of my sister and my father, but by me then finding ways to use more of the free time we had to spend with my family, it really cut into our time.

It literally almost destroyed us. I had begun to take her for granted, thinking that she would always be there and that we had each other while my sister didn’t have anybody. What I didn’t understand is now my wife didn’t have anybody. She didn’t have time to spend with her family like we use to, and now she didn’t really even have me.

Luckily at some point I realized the flaw in my logic and have strived harder to make time for my wife. In turn I learned that when we take the time for each other and work together, we are better able to help others, together. The sooner husbands realize the better your life will be, and as a consequence, even though it isn’t the reason why I did it, you probably get sex better than before and more often.  Just saying.

Make Your Own Love Story

Valentine’s Day is special to millions of people, but why? What makes this day special to you? Is it the sweet card you received, or the box of chocolates you have been craving, or those beautiful roses sitting on your kitchen table? How about that long awaited expensive date with your hubby? These are all things that make this day special but don’t let them be exclusive.

Remind yourself that the true reason we celebrate Valentine’s day isn’t about what we receive in the form of material things, its about how we express our love for one another, and not to simply take each other for granted. On this day of February in 2010 I asked the girl of my dreams if she would consider dating a chum like me, and then a little over a year later I asked her to be my bride. Over the course of our first year of marriage there have been many good times, but sometimes I would get so busy with taking care of my dad, or my sister, or trying to keep up with school work, that I overlooked the fact that I had a wonderful helpmate that supported me, cared for me, helped me, encouraged me, and even loved me. This pass weekend we went on a marriage retreat for our one year anniversary and I learned some things that helped remind me to have a special Valentine all year around and not just on one day of the year. I challenge you to do the following things for your special someone. Not just today but everyday Continue reading

Favorite Free Apps

I was just going about my daily routine today when I noticed how my phone seems to always be in my hand and more times than not I was looking at it as well. How did people survive not even 10 years ago without their smart phones. It has become an extension of myself. Without it I don’t think I would function anymore. So I decided to browse through my apps and figure out what apps I use so frequently that take up so much of my time. Surprisingly, most of them were productivity apps and not just games, although there are a few that I play, but very infrequently. I thought that since they are so important to me that maybe I should share them with you. Continue reading