Favorite Free Apps

I was just going about my daily routine today when I noticed how my phone seems to always be in my hand and more times than not I was looking at it as well. How did people survive not even 10 years ago without their smart phones. It has become an extension of myself. Without it I don’t think I would function anymore. So I decided to browse through my apps and figure out what apps I use so frequently that take up so much of my time. Surprisingly, most of them were productivity apps and not just games, although there are a few that I play, but very infrequently. I thought that since they are so important to me that maybe I should share them with you.

Kindle Reader
This app is one of my absolute favorites. I originally downloaded it simply to be able to read free books as a past time. It wasn’t until after this that I began to realize that technology is advancing at such a fast pace that most physical things such as books, CDs, DVDs, among other things, can’t keep up. That is when I became a fanatic for all things digital, digital music libraries, digital movies, and digital books. Plus being a Telecommunications major, a lot of my textbooks are basically manuals for some sort of computer software we are learning whether it’s Adobe PhotoshopUnity 3.0,  or even Pro Tools 10. It tends to be a lot easier  to have all these books digitally in the palm of my hand than breaking my back. Not to mention the fact that when you have digital school books and you have those annoying assignments where you have to answer questions base on a required chapter reading, you can simply use the search tool and find exactly what you are looking for in a fraction of the time.

Red Laser
I honestly only downloaded this app because I saw a QR code on some ad on the telecomm community board. I simple picked the first QR scanner app that I found and this happened to be lucky number one on the list. Since then however, I see QR codes everywhere. They are really becoming extremely powerful as a way to extend content beyond just a simple ad. I myself have found ways to create codes that can be scanned for ads that I have created for companies I have work for over the years. Another feature of this app that really makes my day easier is for when I have those frustrating moments in the store where I want to know the price of something but it’s missing and then I have to hunt down one of the price scanners. With this app I can scan the barcode with my phone and generally if I am in a popular store such as Walmart, Target, etc. it usually will find their price. No more wandering around the store to figure out how much money I’m gonna have to spend.

Fifth Third
A few years ago I use to stop by my local ATM machine simply to check my balance or to transfer funds. Most of the time however I had to go completely out of my way to do this. It has become even more complicated now that I handle all of my father’s finances as well. Between my checking and savings accounts, as well as his, it is hard to keep track of where the money is going much less try to budget it. My first discovery was online banking and that made managing money a lot less stressful, but I still had to be somewhere with a connection in order to check it and it also meant that I either had to have my laptop with me or wait until I got home to check it. That is where this handy little app came in. I can view all the balances of my current accounts, transfer any amount of funds from one to another, pay bills that you set up on your account, and even take a picture, front and back, of a check and submit it to be deposited into the bank without making the trip. All of these things being almost instantaneous. Now I understand that not all of you have Fifth Third Bank accounts, but I double checked the app store and I found very similar apps for almost every bank I have ever heard of, so search for you bank you might find an app that will help you.

Originally I was simply looking for an app that I could read the bible in multiple translations. What I got was something so much better. This app not only lets me read any scripture, but in dozens of languages, translations, and even lets you do a comparison. between them. They also offer hundreds of daily devotionals that you can choose from on a wide range of topics. The more I spend in the app the more things I discover that it can do. Just the other day I discovered that you can comment on any scripture you read and/or read other people’s comments in order to get a better understanding of what you are reading. It is very useful in the mornings which is when I have my devotions, because it means that I can still lay in bed next to my wife, and not have to turn on any lights or make too much noise that would be disturbing to her and still be able to have my quiet time with God. This app has worked so well that I extended it as a tool to have our family devotions at night, before we all go to bed. So far it is in my top ten apps of all time. A definite must have!

White & Yellow Pages
I don’t know about you but phone books have always frustrated me. So much so that I was willing to call directory assistance and pay a honkin fee, just to get the number I wanted. I don’t know why they frustrate me. Maybe its because of how its organized or the fact that there are so many multiples in them because of all the different locations, and trying to narrow them down is a pain. Maybe its because they put in a bunch of ads. Who knows. All I know is that now, all that is in the past. With this handy app I can search Not only a place, but also narrow it down by location as well, down to a specific zip code. I can find specific people or trace a phone number back to its origin. Well most of the time. It also has a history of all the phone numbers you have looked up. So if  you wanted to order another take out from that favorite mom and pop shop and you can’t remember the number, check your history. If you use it often enough you could either save them as a contact in your phone, or simply add it to your favorites right inside the app. This has been a lifesaver for me as there have been many times that I had to locate businesses that my father was associated with so that I could help pay his bills. This is a must have for those people who are constantly making phone calls.

You know those annoying moments when you are you talking to someone on the phone and you just hate to say goodbye, and yet you really have things you need to get done? Well then this is the app for you. It essentially turns your phone into a walkie talkie. It works in much the same way as texting but instead it send audio clips back and forth, giving you the option to stay connected with your friends and yet still have the option of whether or not you plan to answer right away or finish those dishes that you desperately needed to get done. This app can also utilize texting. I have found that this comes in handy especially during those moments when I’m in a place where I can’t really talk out loud such as the library, or in class. I just simply plug in my headphones, listen to their message and text them back. And thus the convo keeps going. It even has a built in map that can show you where the person was located when they sent the message. I haven’t really found a use for that part yet, but it still is pretty nifty.

Those are just some of the apps that I have found extremely useful. The best part about them is that currently they are all FREE! So if you are interested, definitely check them out.  What is some of your favorite apps that you couldn’t live without? Comment below and tell us why your phone is so important to you!

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